Foundation level courses in Practical Philosophy and Economics with Justice in Hove, Sussex
School of Philosophy Sussex
Explore the topics of Wisdom, Happiness and Love in daily living over three terms
Small Groups, Practical Exercises, Mantra-based meditation,
Retreats, Volunteering opportunities, Guided practice
Life can be seen as a journey. When we are feeling strong and clear-minded it is an adventure. The inner journey of understanding and feeling gives direction to the outer journey and makes it magnificent

Local Course
Face-to-face evening courses available in Hove, Sussex.
Practical Wisdom
Courses in practical wisdom for everyday living in the company of like minded people.
Foundation Level Practical Philosophy Courses
The courses draw on the great philosophical ideas of east and west to examine their influences on our lives and show the way to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
They give guidance on the practice of mindful living in daily life and on how to test the ideas presented during each session in our own experience. The approach is practical rather than academic, and no prior knowledge is needed.

Introductory Economics with Justice course
This 10 session course addresses economics as a human subject, the study of relationships between individuals, institutions and communities; based on human values.
Each session features a topic specific presentation designed to encourage discussion and reflection. Come and join us in this fascinating exploration.

What some of our students say...

“Absolutely loving the course!! …Really changing how I think about things and life in general.”

“...I am benefiting greatly from the content and the practical nature of it. Thank you, it is enriching my life.”

Frequently asked questions about our courses
The course is practical in the sense that it is designed to be of direct use in our everyday lives. The intention is to stimulate enquiry and through this expand the way we look at the world and ourselves.
Online or by calling us.
If you register online, you will receive a confirmation email with your day of attendance. If you register by any means other than online, you will receive a receipt confirming your registration.
Yes, we have a local Hove venue where you can attend the course face-to-face. We also have other venues across the UK.
No, all you need is an open and enquiring mind. The course is intended for everyone, regardless of education, occupation, race, political or religious belief.
Face-to-face meetings will be held safely following all Health & Safety guidelines for your complete peace of mind.
Yes, we offer an online version of the course via Zoom. To find out more visit: